Harmonized Approaches for Baseline Creation

P.E.A.R.S. has provided a paper entitled Harmonized approaches for baseline creation in prospective safety performance assessment of driving automation systems at the 27th ESV Conference in Yokohama.

This International Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, held in April, is highly relevant to P.E.A.R.S. partners, with sessions on safety performance assessment, real-world deployment challenges, and safety assessment approaches of driving automation systems. The ESV conference was very well organized by NHTSA, MLIT, METI and JARI. There was a good mix of papers from relevant stakeholders, not only research but also industry and authorities, from the USA, Europe and Australasia (mostly Japan, Korea, and Australia).

Harmonized approaches for baseline creation in propspective safety performance assessment of driving automation systems, was written by: Peter Wimmer, Olaf Op den Camp, Hendrik Weber, Henri Chajmowicz, Michael Wagner, Jorge Lorente Mallada, Felix Fahrenkrog and Florian Denk.